Quisque gravida eros libero, sed tincidunt sem nec.
Porta Eget Molestie ut Feugiat Tristique
Nulla vel auctor arcu. Nam egestas leo ut ante pulvinar porta. Nunc venenatis elit sit amet tortor tristique pharetra.
Not-for-Profit Self-Assessment
Risk Identification and Evaluation Worksheet

From uncertain economic growth to the speed of technological change, not-for-profit organizations face many risks that threaten the physical or financial welfare of their volunteers, staff, and other stakeholders.

To help improve their risk management processes, we've researched and compiled a risk identification and evaluation worksheet that board members can use to reduce operational risk, achieve their mission objectives, and provide a safe environment for their staff.

How BDO can help

Need to jumpstart your not-for-profit risk assessment? Connect with a BDO advisor today. We have the expertise to steward your mission in the face of risk and uncertainty.

Kelly Hagen, National Not-for-Profit Leader
[email protected]
Thank you for downloading the Risk Identification & Evaluation Worksheet
Click here to access the worksheet

How to use this tool

1. Identify the risks to your not-for-profit organization by brainstorming which risks may affect your people, environment, mission objectives, and reputation. Use the chart as a guide to help you brainstorm and document the consequences.

2. For each risk identified, assess the likelihood of its occurrence, and calculate the severity of impact by using the chart’s scoring system before assigning an action for each risk level.

3. Once you’ve defined each risk, in terms of category, impact, and action to take, you’ll be ready to assign a risk owner to prioritize each risk and set risk prevention plans in motion to reduce and control them.

Morbi Eget Ante ut Eros Aliquam Accumsan Nam Purus
Nulla vel auctor arcu. Nam egestas leo ut ante pulvinar porta.
Duis Non Mauris id Arcu Sagittis Dignissim Cras Scelerisque Risus

Quisque arcu turpis, euismod eu nisi vel, convallis accumsan dolor.

Cras Eget Diam Interdum Commodo Velit

Curabitur erat felis, porttitor ac iaculis sed, egestas eu nulla. Aliquam placerat ultricies eros, facilisis hendrerit turpis. Pellentesque laoreet orci placerat lacus condimentum, eu placerat dolor commodo. Nulla id arcu iaculis, pretium leo eu, sollicitudin nulla.

Metus Volutpat Urna at Posuere

Nulla sit amet libero a urna euismod elementum ac sed elit.
Nulla orci eros, vestibulum id faucibus bibendum, iaculis enim.

Fusce quis Venenatis odio Vivamus

Quisque arcu turpis, euismod eu nisi vel, convallis accumsan dolor. Phasellus maximus purus tortor, eu rhoncus odio dictum at

Curabitur Dolor Metus Volutpat ac Urna at Posuere
Vivamus iaculis turpis id rhoncus euismod. Ut elementum luctus elit.
Nam sit amet mollis purus. Etiam laoreet nec nulla dictum blandit.
Suspendisse pharetra, ante rutrum efficitur ultrices
Vivamus auctor nisi posuere tincidunt. Quisque arcu turpis.
Metus Volutpat Urna at Posuere
Morbi viverra, diam vitae suscipit venenatis, augue justo blandit elit, vel rhoncus ante erat a arcu. Aenean aliquet sodales urna.
Pellentesque Laoreet orci Placerat
Curabitur dolor metus, volutpat ac urna at, posuere ornare neque. Donec mollis lacinia euismod.